2006 |
Bin Hong Liu, Zhou Peng Li, S. Suda, gNickel-and
cobalt-based catalysts for hydrogen generation by hydrolysis
of borohydrideh, J. Alloys Comp. 415, pp.288-293. |
2005 |
Z. P. Li, B. H. Liu, K. Arai, and S. Suda,
gDevelopment of the direct borohydride fuel cellh, J. Alloys
Comp. 404-406, pp.648-652. |
2005 |
S. Suda, N. Morigasaki, Y. Iwase and Z. P. Li,
gProduction of Sodium borohydride by using dynamic behaviors
of protide at the extreme surface of magnesium particlesh, J.
Alloys Comp. 404-406, pp.643-647. |
2004 |
S. Suda, Y. Iwase, N. Morigasaki and Z. -P. Li,
gMetal-Hydrogen Complex Compounds as Hydrogen Storage
Materialsh, advanced Materials for Energy Conversion ‡U, edited
by D. Chandra, R. G. Bautisca and L. Schlapbach, TMS(The
Minerals, Metals & Materials Society)Proceedings,
pp.123-133. |
2004 |
Bin Hong Liu, Zhou peng Li, and Seijirau
Suda,gElectro-catalysts for the anodic oxidation of
borohydridesh, Electroshimica Asta, Vol 49, No. 19,
pp.3097-3105. |
2004 |
Z. -P. Li, B. -H. Liu, K. Arai, K. Asaba and S.
Suda, gEvaluation of alkaline borohydride solutions as the
fuel for fuel cellh, J. Power Sources, 126(1-2), pp.28-33.
2003 |
Z. -P. Li, B. -H. Liu, K. Arai and S. Suda, gA
fuel cell development for using borohydrides as the fuelh, J.
Electrochem. Soc. 150, A868-872. |
2003 |
B. -H. Liu, Z. -P. Li and S. Suda, gAnodic
Oxidation of Alkali Borohydrides Catalyzed by Nickelh, J.
Electrochem. Soc. 150, A398-402. |
2003 |
Z.-P. Li, N. Morigasaki, B. -H. Liu, S. Suda,
gPreparation of Potassium Borohydride by a Mechano-chemical
Reaction of Saline Hydrides with Dehydrated Borate through
Ball Millingh, J. Alloys Comp .354(1/2), pp. 243-247. |
2003 |
Z. -P. Li, B. -H. Liu, K. Arai, N. Morigasaki
and S. Suda, gProtide compounds in hydrogen storage systemsh,
J. Alloys Comp. 356-357, pp.469-474. |
2002 |
B. -H. Liu, Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, gElectrochemical
Cycle Life of Zr-Based Laves Phase Alloys Influenced by Alloy
Stoichiometry and Compositionh, J. Electrochem. Soc. 149(5),
pp. A537-542. |
2002 |
E. Higuchi, K. Hidaka, Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, S.
Nohara, H. Inoue, C. Iwakura, gEffects of Modified
Fluorination Treatment on Structural and Electrochemical
Characteristics of AB2-type Laves Phase Alloyh, J. Alloys
Comp. 335, pp. 277-280. |
2002 |
E. Higuchi, Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, S. Nohara, H.
Inoue, C. Iwakura, gStructural and Electrochemical
Characterization of Fluorinated AB2-type Laves Phase Alloys
Obtained by Different Pulverization Methodsh, J. Alloys Comp.
335, pp.241-245. |
2002 |
Y. -M. Sun, S. Suda, gStudies on the
Fluorination Method for Improving Surface Properties and
Characteristics of AB5-types of Hydridesh, J. Alloys Comp.
330-2, pp. 627-31. |
2002 |
Z. -P. Li, B. -H. Liu, K. Hitaka, S. Suda,
gEffects of Surface Structure of Fluorinated AB2 Alloys on
their Electrodes and Battery Performancesh, J. Alloys Comp.
330-2, pp. 776-81. |
2002 |
B. -H. Liu, Z. -P. Li, R. Kitani, S. Suda,
gImprovement of Electrochemical Cyclic Durabilities of
Zr-based AB2 Alloy Electrodesh, J. Alloys Comp. 330-2, pp.
825-30. |
2001 |
S. -G. Zhang, Y. Hara, S. Suda, T. Morikawa, H.
Inoue, C. Iwakura, gPhysicochemical and electrochemical
hydriding-dehydriding characteristics of amorphous MgNix
(x=1.0, 1.5, 2.0) alloys prepared by mechanical alloyingh, J.
Solid State Electrochem 5, pp.23-28. |
2001 |
E. Higuchi, E. Toyoda, Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, H.
Inoue, S. Nohara, C. Iwakura, gEffects of Fluorination of
AB2-type Alloys and of Mixing with AB5-type Alloys on the
Charge-discharge Characteristicsh, Electrochimica Acta 46, pp.
1191-4. |
2001 |
E. Higuchi, H. Miyoshi, Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, H.
Inoue, S. Nohara, C. Iwakura, gEffects of Substitution with Cr
on Electrochemical Characteristics of a Fluorinated AB2-type
Laves-phase Alloyh, ITE Letters on Batteries, New Technologies
& Medicine 2(1), pp. 69-74. |
2001 |
S. Suda, Y. -M. Sun, B. -H. Liu, Y. Zhou, S.
Morimitsu, K. Arai, N. Tsukamoto, M. Uchida, Y. Candra, Z. -P.
Li, gCatalytic Generation of Hydrogen by Applying
Fluorinated-Metal Hydrides as Catalystsh, J. Applied Physics A
72: pp. 209-12. |
2001 |
S. Suda, Y. -M. Sun, M. Uchida, B. -H. Liu, S.
Morimitsu, K. Arai, Y. Zhou, N. Tsukamoto, Y. Candra, Z. -P.
Li, gFluorinated Metal Hydrides for the Catalytic Hydrolysis
of Metal-Hydrogen Complexesh, Metals and Materials
International 7(1), pp. 73-5. |
2000 |
Z. -P. Li, E. Higuchi, B. -H. Liu, S. Suda,
gEffects of Fluorination Temperature on Surface Structure and
Electrochemical Properties of AB2 Electrode Alloysh,
Electrochim. Acta 45, pp. 1773-9. |
2000 |
X. -P. Gao, Y. -M Sun, E. Toyoda, E. Higuchi, T.
Nakagima, S. Suda, gThe Effect of the Particle Pulverization
on Electrochemical Properties of Laves Phase Alloysh,
Electrochim. Acta 45, pp.3099-104. |
2000 |
B. -H. Liu, Z. -P. Li, A. Okutsu, S. Suda,
g A Wet Ball milling Treatment of Zr-based AB2 Alloys as
Negative Electrode Materialsh, J. Alloys Comp. 296, pp.
148-51. |
2000 |
B. -H. Liu, Z. -P. Li, Y. Matsuyama, R. Kitani,
S. Suda, gCorrosion and Degradation Behavior of Zr-based AB2
Alloy Electrodes during Electrochemical Cyclingh, J. Alloys
Comp. 296, pp. 201-8. |
1999 |
K. Iwata, Y. -M. Sun, S. Suda, gA Recovery of
Carbon Oxides by Methanation Reaction through a
Pressure-Temperature Swing Process by Applying Active Protium
in the Fluorinated Metal Hydrideh, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy 24, pp. 251-6. |
1999 |
Y. -M. Sun, X. -P. Gao, N. Araya, E. Higuchi, S.
Suda, gA Duplicated Fluorination Technique for Hydrogen
Storage Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 293-5, pp. 364-8. |
1999 |
S. Suda, M. Imai, M. Uchida, Y. Komazaki, E.
Higuchi, gDynamic P-c-T Relations of the
La-incorporated/Fluorinated AB2 Hydriding Alloysh, J. Alloys
Comp. 293-5, pp. 391-5. |
1999 |
Z. -P. Li, E. Higuchi, B. -H. Liu, S. Suda,
gElectrochemical Properties and Characteristics of a
Fluorinated AB2-alloyh, J. Alloys Comp. 293-5, pp. 593-600.
1999 |
B. -H. Liu, Z. -P. Li, E. Higuchi, S. Suda,
gImprovement of the Electrochemical Properties of Zr-based AB2
Alloys by an Advanced Fluorination Techniqueh, J. Alloys Comp.
293-5, pp. 702-6. |
1999 |
X. -P. Gao, Y. -M. Sun, E. Higuchi, E. Toyoda,
S. Suda, gElectrochemical Properties and Characteristics of
the Fluorinated Zr0.9Ti0.1V0.2Mn0.6Ni1.3La0.05 Electrodeh, J.
Alloys Comp. 293-5, pp. 707-11. |
1999 |
X. -P. Gao, Y. -M. Sun, E. Toyoda, E. Higuchi,
T. Nakagima, S. Suda, gDeterioration of Laves Phase Alloy
Electrode During Cyclingh, J. Power Sources 83, pp. 100-7.
1998 |
Z. -P. Li, Y. -M. Sun, B. -H. Liu, X. -P. Gao,
S. Suda, gSurface Passivation of Metal Hydrides for
Applicationsh, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 513, pp. 25-36.
1998 |
K. Iwata, Y. Komazaki, M. Uchida, S. Suda, gA
Temperature-Pressure Swing Methanation Process for the
Recovery of Carbon Oxides by Using Fluorinated Hydriding
Alloysh, Hydrogen Energy Progress I. pp. 647-60. |
1998 |
X. -P. Gao, B. -H. Liu, M. Imai, H. Ohta, S.
Suda, gKinetic and Equilibrium Properties of the Fluorinated
Laves-phase Hydriding Alloysh, Hydrogen Energy Progress
I, pp. 1075-84. |
1997 |
F. -J. Liu, H. Ota, S. Okamoto, S. Suda,
gSurface Properties of the Fluorinated La-incorporated
Ti/Zr-based AB2 Laves Phase Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 253-4,
pp. 452-8. |
1997 |
M. Sakashita, Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, gFluorination
Mechanism and its Effects on the Electrochemical Properties of
Metal Hydridesh, J. Alloys Comp. 253-4, pp. 500-5. |
1997 |
Y. -M. Sun, K. Iwata, S. Chiba, Y. Matsuyama, S.
Suda, gStudies on the Properties and Characteristics of the
Fluorinated AB5 Hydrogen-Absorbing Electrode Alloysh, J.
Alloys Comp. 253-4, pp. 520-4. |
1997 |
S. Suda, K. Iwata, Y. -M. Sun, Y. Komazaki, F.
-J. Liu, gA Pressure-temperature Swing Process for the
Methanation of Carbon Oxides Using Fluorinated Hydriding
Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 253-4, pp. 668-72. |
1996 |
F. -J. Liu, S. Suda, gHydriding Properties of
the Ternary Mm-based AB5 Alloys Modified by Surface
Treatmenth, J. Alloys Comp. 232, pp. 204-11. |
1996 |
F. -J. Liu, S. Suda, gHydriding Behavior of
F-treated Mg2Ni at Moderate Conditionsh, J. Alloys Comp. 232,
pp. 212-7. |
1996 |
F. -J. Liu, S. Suda, gEffects of Ni-substitution
and F-treatment on the Hydriding Behaviors and Microstructures
of AB2-compound (Ti, Zr)(Mn, Cr)2h, J. Alloys Comp. 232, pp.
232-7. |
1996 |
Z. -P. Li, T. Matsuoka, S. Suda, gAn
Investigation of Ca-based Hydride Electrode Materialsh, Vacuum
47(6-8), pp. 893-7. |
1996 |
X. -L. Wang, H. Hagiwara, S. Suda, gHighly
Reactive Surface of the Fluorinated Rare Earth-Nickel Based
Hydriding Alloysh, Vacuum 47(6-8), pp. 899-902. |
1996 |
F. -J. Liu, K. Kitayama, S. Suda, gLa and
Ce-incorporation Effects on the Surface Properties of the
Fluorinated (Ti, Zr)(Mn, Cr, Ni)2 Hydriding Alloysh, Vacuum
47(6-8), pp. 903-6. |
1996 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gA Kinetic Study on the
Formation of LANI5-xALx, MNNI4.5AL0.5Hydridesh, Journal of
Chemical Engineering of Japan 29(2), pp. 223-8. |
1996 |
S. Suda, gFluorinated Metal Hydrides for Heat
pumps and Refrigerators, Proc. Int. AB-Sorption Heat Pump
Conf. Montreal, Quebech, Canada, pp. 107-26. |
1995 |
Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, gThe Metallurgical and
Electrochemical Investigations of Ca-La- (Ni, Al)5 Alloysh,
Proc. of the Symp. on Hydrogen & Metal Hydride Batteries,
Battery Division Proc, Vol. 94-27: pp. 16-23. |
1995 |
Z. -P. Li, and S. Suda, gThe Inorganic Compound
Coating Effect on the Durability of CaNi5 Electrodeh, Proc. of
the Symposium on Hydrogen & Metal Hydride Batteries,
Battery Division Proc, Vol. 94-27: pp. 78-84. |
1995 |
D. -Y. Yan, S. Suda, gElectrochemical
Characteristics of LaNi4.7Al0.3 Alloy Activated by Alkaline
Solution Containing Hydrazineh, J. Alloys Comp. 223, pp.
28-31. |
1995 |
D. -Y. Yan, G. Sandrock, S. Suda, gZr-Ti-V-Ni
Alloys with Dendrite-free Structureh, J. Alloys Comp. 223, pp.
32-8. |
1995 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gStability and Tolerance
to Impurities of the Fluorinated Surface of Hydrogen-absorbing
Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 227, pp. 58-62. |
1995 |
F. -J. Liu, S. Suda, gSurface Treatment Effect
on the Low Temperature Hydriding Behavior of Mg2Nih, J. Alloys
Comp. 230, pp. 58-62. |
1995 |
X. -L. Wang, H. Hagiwara, S. Suda, gSurface
Properties of the Fluorinated Calcium-based AB5 Alloysh, J.
Alloys Comp. 231, pp. 376-9. |
1995 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gSurface Characteristics
of Fluorinated Hydriding Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp.
380-6. |
1995 |
D. -Y. Yan, Y. -M. Sun, S. Suda, gSurface
Properties of the F-treated ZrTiVNi Alloyh, J. Alloys Comp.
231, pp. 387-91. |
1995 |
F. -J. Liu, G. Sandrock, S. Suda, gSurface and
Metallographic Microstructures of the La-added AB2 Compounds
(Ti, Zr)(Mn, Cr, Ni)2h, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp. 392-6. |
1995 |
X. -L. Wang, N. Haraikawa, S. Suda, gA Study of
the Surface Composition and Structure of Fluorinated Mg-based
Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp. 397-402. |
1995 |
F. -J. Liu, S. Suda, gA Method for improving the
Long-term Storability of Hydriding Alloys by Air/Water
Exposureh, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp. 411-6. |
1995 |
Y. -M. Sun, S. Suda, gEffects of Zirconium on
the Surface Structures of the Fluorinated Hydrogen-absorbing
Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp. 417-21. |
1995 |
D. -Y. Yan, S. Suda, gEffect of La Addition on
the Electrochemical Behavior and F-treatment of Zr-Ti-V-Ni
Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp. 565-72. |
1995 |
Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, gEffects of
Hydriding-Dehydriding Cycles on P-C-T and Electrochemical
Properties of La-Ca-Ni-Al Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp.
594-7. |
1995 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gConsistent Determination
of the Intrinsic Kinetic Properties between Hydrogen and
Hydriding Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp. 660-5. |
1995 |
F. -J. Liu, S. Suda, gF-treatment Effect on the
Hydriding Properties of the La-Substituted AB2 Compound (Ti,
Zr)(Mn, Cr, Ni)2h, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp. 666-9. |
1995 |
F. -J. Liu, S. Suda, gF-treatment Effect on the
Initial Activation Characteristics of Mg-La-Ni Amorphous
Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp. 696-701. |
1995 |
F. -J. Liu, S. Suda, gProperties and
Characteristics of Fluorinated Hydriding Alloysh, J. Alloys
Comp. 231, pp. 742-50. |
1995 |
Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, gA New Family of Hydride
Electrode Materials Based on CaNi5-type Alloysh, J. Alloys
Comp. 231, pp. 751-4. |
1995 |
X. -L. Wang, K. Iwata, S. Suda, gEffects of
Carbon Monoxide on the Hydriding Reactions of the Untreated
and Fluorinated LaNi4.7Al0.3 Alloysh, J. Alloys Comp. 231, pp.
829-34. |
1995 |
Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, gThe Annealing Effect on the
Durabilities of La-substituted CaNi5-type Alloysh, J. Alloys
Comp. 231, pp. 835-40. |
1995 |
X. -L. Wang, K. Iwata, S. Suda, gHydrogen
Purification Using Fluorinated LaNi4.7Al0.3 Alloyh, J. Alloys
Comp. 231, pp. 860-4. |
1995 |
Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, gElectrochemical Durability
of Ca-Based Alloysh, Electrochimica Acta 40(4), pp. 467-71.
1994 |
S. Suda, G. Sandrock, gThree Decades of
Intermetallic Hydrides -What Happened to the Applicationsh, Z.
Phys. Chem. 183, pp. 149-56. |
1994 |
F. -J. Liu, G. Sandrock, S. Suda,
gHydriding-Characteristics of Surface Treated Mg2Ni at Ambient
Temperatureh, Z. Phys. Chem. 183, pp. 163-7. |
1994 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, S. Wakao, gImproved
Surface Properties of Zr-M-Ni Hydride Electrodes by Oxidation
Treatmenth, Z. Phys. Chem. 183, pp. 297-302. |
1994 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gSurface Structure of
Highly Reactive Hydriding Alloys Produced by Surface
Treatmenth, Z. Phys. Chem. 183, pp. 385-90. |
1994 |
Z. -P. Li, D. -Y. Yan, S. Suda, gThe Effects of
F-treatment Level on the Electrochemical Behavior of
LaNi4.7Al0.3h, Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp. 1209-12.
1994 |
D. -Y. Yan, G. Sandrock, Z. -P. Li, X. -L. Wang,
S. Suda, gActivation of Zr0.5Ti0.5V0.75Ni1.25 Electrodes by
Hot Alkaline Solutionsh, Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp.
1213-6. |
1994 |
D. -Y. Yan, Z. -P. Li, S. Suda, gElectrochemical
Properties of the Chemically-treated LaNi4.7Al0.3 and
MmNi3.5Co0.7Al0.8h, Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp.
1217-9. |
1994 |
D. -Y. Yan, S. Suda, gElectrode Characteristics
of LaNi4.7Al0.3 Alloy Activated by Alkaline Solution
Containing Hydrazineh, Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp.
1221-4. |
1994 |
G. Sandrock, F. -J. Liu, Y. Miura, S. Suda,
gEffects of Ni-substitution on the Hydriding Properties of AB2
Compounds of the System (Ti, Zr)(Mn, Cr)2h, Trans. Mat. Res.
Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp. 1225-8. |
1994 |
F. -J. Liu, G. Sandrock, S. Suda, gLow
Temperature Hydriding Properties of F-treated Mg-Mg2Ni
Eutectic Alloyh, Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp.
1229-32. |
1994 |
F. -J. Liu, S. Suda, gEffect of Air Exposure on
the H2 Reactivity of F-treated LaNi4.7Al0.3 Alloyh, Trans.
Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp. 1233-6 |
1994 |
F. -J. Liu, G. Sandrock, S. Suda, gEffect of
F-treatment on the Incubation Time of LaNi4.7Al0.3 Alloy after
Longtime Air Exposureh, Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp.
1237-40. |
1994 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gPhase Distributions in a
Metal/Metal Hydride (M/MH) Particle and their Effects on
Reaction Propertiesh, Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp.
1241-4. |
1994 |
X. -L. Wang, K. Iwata, S. Suda, gSize Effects on
the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of F-treated
LaNi4.7Al0.3 Alloyh, Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp.
1245-8. |
1994 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gSurface Structure of
F-treated LaNi4.7Al0.3 with Hydriding/Dehydriding Cyclesh,
Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp. 1249-52. |
1994 |
X. -L. Wang, N. Haraikawa, S. Suda, gSurface
Structures of F-treated LaNi4.7Al0.3 after Storing in Water
and Airh, Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn. 18(B), pp. 1253-6. |
1993 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gEffects of
Al-substitution on Hydriding Reaction Rates of LaNi5-xAlxh, J.
Alloys Comp. 191(1), pp. 5-7. |
1993 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gSurface Study of
Chemically Treated LaNi4.7Al0.3 Alloyh, J. Alloys Comp. 194,
pp. 73-6. |
1993 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gHydriding-dehydriding
Reactions of LaNi4.7Al0.3-H System under Quasi-Isothermal
Conditionsh, J. Alloys Comp. 194, pp. 173-7. |
1993 |
S. Suda, gWhat is Required for the
Commercialization of Metal Hydride Refrigerators and Heat
Pumpsh, Heat Recovery Systems & CHP 13(4), pp. 309-14.
1992 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gReaction Kinetics of the
MmNi4.5Al0.5-H Systemh, J.Alloys Comp. 184, pp 109-20. |
1992 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gKinetics of the
Hydriding-dehydriding Reactions of the Hydrogen-Metal Hydride
Systemsh, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 17(2), pp. 139-47. |
1992 |
F. -J. Liu, G. Sandrock, S. Suda, gActivation
Characteristics of Chemically Treated LaNi4.7Al0.3h, J. Alloys
Comp. 190(1), pp. 57-60. |
1991 |
S. Suda, X. -L. Wang, Y. Komazaki, gDesign of a
New Reactor System for the Kinetic Study of Metal Hydrides
under Isothermal Conditionsh, J. Less-Common Metals 172-4, pp.
959-68. |
1991 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gReaction Kinetics of
Metal Hydrides under Quasi-isothermal Conditionsh, J. Less-
Common Metals 172-4, pp. 969-82. |
1991 |
S. Suda, Y. Komazaki, H. Narazaki, M. Uchida,
gDevelopment of a Double-stage Heat Pump: Experimental and
Analytical Surveysh, J. Less-Common Metals 172-4, pp.
1092-110. |
1991 |
S. Suda, Y. Komazaki, gThe Effective Thermal
Conductivity of a Metal Hydride Bed Packed in a Multiple-waved
Sheet Metal Structureh, J. Less-Common Metals 172-4, pp.
1130-7. |
1990 |
X. -L. Wang, and S. Suda, gA Dehydriding Kinetic
Study of LaNi4.7Al0.3 Hydride by a Step-wise Methodh, J.
Less-Common Metals 159, pp. 83-90. |
1990 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gStudy of the Hydriding
Kinetics of LaNi4.7Al0.3-H System by a Step-wise Methodh, J.
Less-Common Metals 159, pp. 109-19. |
1990 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gReaction Kinetics of
Hydrogen-Metal Hydride Systemsh, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 15(8)
pp. 569-77. |
1989 |
H. Bjurstrom, S. Suda, gThe Metal Hydride Heat
Pump: Dynamics of Hydrogen Transferh, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy
14, pp. 19-28. |
1989 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gHydrogenation
Characteristics of LaNi4.7Al0.3-H in ƒ¿ and ƒ¿+ƒÀ Phasesh, Z.
Phys. Chem. 164, pp. 1235-40. |
1989 |
S. Suda, gEnergy Conversion Systems Using Metal
Hydridesh, Z. Phys. Chem. 164, pp. 1463-74. |
1988 |
X. -L. Wang, S. Suda, gKinetics of Hydrogenation
of LaNi4.7Al0.3-H in ƒ¿ Phaseh, Proc. of MRS Int. Mtg. on Adv.
Mats. 2, pp. 137-42. |
1988 |
S. Suda, gDevelopments of Metal Hydride Heat
Pumpsh, Proc. of Int. Workshop, IKE (Univ. Stuttgart), FRG.
pp. 72-90. |
1987 |
H. Bjurstrom, S. Suda, D. Lewis, gA Numerical
Expression for the P-C-T Properties of Metal Hydridesh, J.
Less-Common Metals 130, pp. 365-70. |
1987 |
H. Bjurstrom, Y. Komazaki, S. Suda, gThe
Dynamics of Hydrogen Transfer in a Metal Hydride Heat Pumph,
J. Less-Common Metals 131, pp. 225-34. |
1987 |
S. Suda, gMetal Hydridesh, Int. J. Hydrogen
Energy 12(5), pp. 323-31. |
1987 |
H. Bjurstrom, S. Suda, gReaction Kinetics of
LaNi4.79Al0.21-Hydrideh, J. Less-Common Metals 131, pp. 61-9.
1987 |
S. Suda, gRecent Developments of Metal Hydride
Heat Pumps in Japanh, Newsletter of the IEA Heat Pump Center
5(3), pp. 23-7. |
1986 |
M. Nagel, Y. Komazaki, S. Suda, gEffective
Thermal Conductivity of a Metal Hydride Bed Augmented with a
Copper Wire Matrixh, J. Less-Common Metals 120, pp. 35-43.
1986 |
M. Nagel, Y. Komazaki, S. Suda, gDynamic
Behavior of Paired Metal Hydrides: I. Experimental Method and
Resultsh, J. Less-Common Metals 120, pp. 45-53. |
1986 |
M. Nagel, Y. Komazaki, Y. Matsubara, S. Suda,
gDynamic Behavior of Paired Metal Hydrides II: Analytical
Survey of the Experimental Resultsh, J. Less-Common Metals
123, pp. 47-58. |
1986 |
M. Uchida, H. Bjurstrom, S. Suda, gOn the
Equilibrium Properties of some ZrMn2-related Hydride-Forming
Alloysh, J. Less-Common Metals 119, pp.
63-74. |
1985 |
S. Suda, gRecent Development of Hydride Energy
Systems in Japanh, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 10 (11), pp.
757-65. |
1985 |
K. Nomura, H. Uruno, H. Shinozuka, S. Suda, S.
Ono, gEffects of Lattice Strain on Hysteresis of Pressure
Composition Isotherms for LaNi5H2 Systemh, J. Less-Common
Metals 107, pp. 221-30. |
1984 |
S. Suda, gExperimental Evaluation of Heat Pump
Performance in Connection with Metal Hydride Propertiesh, J.
Less-Common Metals 104, pp. 211-22. |
1984 |
M. Nagel, Y. Komazaki, M. Uchida, S. Suda,
gOperating Characteristics of a Metal Hydride Heat Pump for
Generating Cooled Airh, J. Less-Common Metals 104, pp. 307-18.
1983 |
S. Suda, Y. Komazaki, gKinetics Properties of
Aluminum-and Iron-Substituted Misch Metal-Nickel Hydridesh, J.
Less-Common Metals 89, pp. 127-32. |
1983 |
Y. Komazaki, M. Uchida, A. Suzuki, S. Ono, N.
Nishimiya, S. Suda, gEquilibrium Properties of Ti-Zr-Fe-Mn
Hydridesh, J. Less-Common Metals 89, pp. 269-74. |
1983 |
S. Suda, Y. Komazaki, N. Kobayashi, gEffective
Thermal Conductivity of Metal Hydride Bedsh, J. Less-Common
Metals 89, pp. 317-24. |
1983 |
S. Suda, N. Kobayashi, E. Morishita, N.
Takemoto, gHeat Transmission Analysis of Metal Hydride Bedsh,
J. Less-Common Metals 89, pp. 325-32. |
1982 |
S. Suda, gCharacterization of Metal Properties
for Thermal-Energy -Conversion Systemsh, Royal Institute of
Technology, pp. 43-54. |
1981 |
S. Suda, Y. Komazaki, N. Kobayashi, gMixing
Effects of Metal Hydrides on Equilibrium Behavior and Reaction
Kineticsh, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 6(3), pp. 275-84. |
1981 |
S. Suda, N. Kobayashi, K. Yoshida, gThermal
Conductivity in Metal Hydrides Bedsh, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy
6(5), pp. 521-8. |
1981 |
S. Suda, N. Kobayashi, gEvaluating Metal
Hydrides Energy Conversion Systemsh, Proc. Int. Symp. Metal
-Hydrogen Systems, Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A., pp. 649-55.
1981 |
S. Suda, Y. Komazaki, M. Miyamoto, and K.
Yoshida, gHydriding Properties of Al-Substituted Misch-Metal
Nickelsh, Proc. Int. Symp. Metal -Hydrogen Systems, Miami
Beach, Florida, U.S.A., pp. 407-13. |
1980 |
S. Suda, N. Kobayashi, Y. Yoshida, gReaction
Kinetics of Metal Hydrides and Their Mixturesh, J. Less-Common
Metals 73, pp. 119-26. |
1980 |
S. Suda, N. Kobayashi, K. Yoshida, Y. Ishida, S.
Ono, gExperimental Measurements of Thermal Conductivityh, J.
Less-Common Metals 74, pp. 127-36. |
1980 |
E. Akiba, K. Nomura, S. Ono, S. Suda, gKinetics
of the Reaction between Mg-Ni Alloys and H2h, Hydrogen Energy
Progress 2, pp. 881-9. |
1979 |
K. Nomura, E. Akiba, S. Ono, S. Suda, gKinetics
of the Reaction between Mg2Ni and H2h, Proc. of Sec. JIM Int.
Symp. Hydrogen in Metals, Minakami, Gunma, Japan, pp. 353-6.
1978 |
S. Suda, M. Uchida, gMixing Effects of Different
Types of Hydridesh, Hydrogen Energy System 3, pp. 1561-73.
1977 |
S. Suda, M. Uchida, gMixing Effects of the Two
Different Types of Hydridesh, Hydrides for Energy Storage 2,
pp. 515-25. |
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